While I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago, the on-call Maintenance Tech received a page from one of the Residents. He called the Resident to determine what the problem was (so he could come prepared) and he was told there was a problem with the door sticking preventing him from access to his townhouse.
By the time the Tech got there (within twenty minutes) the Resident had broken the door in and was inside. Apparently, waiting twenty minutes was too much of an inconvenience for the gentleman. I was informed of the incident after seeing the Over Time hours on his timesheet and asked what happened.
I decided not to call the Resident, just sent he and his wife a bill due with his October rent. His wife called me yesterday to explain their “situation.” I listened without saying anything.
“So, you see, we can pay it on Friday. Is that okay?” she finished.
“Let me see if I understand what happened,” I began. “You guys arrived home and couldn’t get the door to open. You called the pager for Greg to come out but you couldn’t wait for the few minutes it took him to get there so you broke down the door because your baby started crying?”
“Yeah. Ryan just couldn’t control himself and got mad because Amelia was crying.”
Would it be appropriate for me to mandate Ryan enroll in Anger Management classes? Seriously? PUH-LEEEEEASE. If something like this coupled with a baby crying annoys him to the point that he takes his frustration out on a door, what will happen the next time something makes him mad and he has no door to hit?
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