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Monday, December 17, 2012


While death and taxes may be the only two Sure Things in life, there is another and most people do not look forward to it, not at all. And that Third Thing is called change. I know everyone says change is scary, and it can be, but it can also be a reason to try something new. Really, I think the reason why it takes people time to embrace change is simply due to fear and the fact that they may not have chosen to change in the first place.

Change is emotional. It stirs up longing. With reflection, it can also stir up courage.

Okay World, hear me roar! (I always did like the Lion in The Wizard of Oz....)


  1. I think it has to a lot with comfort as well. We get comfortable and when weighing the odds - we rest in comfort instead of walking into the unknown.

    Rock the Roar in 2013.

    1. So true! Sometimes it is easier to stay with what you know than challenge the truth and go with that unknown. Thank you for reading and commenting.
