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Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Best People Are In Multifamily!

Walking into the reception area, memories came flooding back – but before I could even acknowledge them, I looked up and recognized an old friend standing and waiting her turn to register at the desk. We exchanged pleasantries – after all, here we were in a doctor’s office. Allyson registered and went to the waiting area for the first time. Soon enough, I joined her but it has been six or so years since I had been there, but it’s like riding a bike; you get right back into that routine.

Later that evening, I stayed late to organize paperwork and make sure the new move-in would go smoothly and generally make my desk look “clean.” My desk is never usually clear and I don’t apologize for it. But I do like to tidy it up before I leave for the weekend if I am not planning to work on a Saturday. This day has been super busy with problems to solve and much discussion with residents and the team. Driving home, I turned on the CD (yep, I still like my music CDs because I don’t always have time to download music so I’ll resort to old school) and found my mind wandering. A single tear rolling down my face, I looked at my phone to see that I had missed a call and there was a new message.

Lord, I am so tired these days. 

Once home, I listen to the message and suddenly the floodgates open and the tears come, the kind that choke you with their sheer raw emotion. It’s tough to be back in the medical arena, no matter how much you like your doctors. The message was short and sweet and from a great Maintenance Tech, a friend, someone I have known not that long, meeting him at a property I am no longer managing and he simply said he’s thinking about me and hoping I am feeling okay, just checking on me. Let me tell you, the people who work our properties, our maintenance and leasing teams, are the BEST people in any profession. We have the ability to make a deep connection within a short amount of time, a lasting impression. Lifetime connections. Quickly drying my eyes, I was grateful once again for the souls I meet in the world of multifamily. 

I haven’t been able to call him back yet, my emotions still a little shaky but I know he understands. Time waits for no one and we do not know what lies ahead, so take a moment to connect with a colleague today. Everyone struggles occasionally and our strength as an industry is built when we share with one another. Take the time to forge a mentor-ship, a friendship, or a relationship. You matter!

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