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Wednesday, February 24, 2016


The Interior Designer is arriving on Thursday and will be at the properties on Friday. It’s exciting to think of how a Designer might view changes in the Clubhouse(s) and Models. I doubt my input will be sought, but I am still excited to think of the possibilities. And just in case, he/she asks me, here are my thoughts.

1.       Murphy beds in the Studios (Wouldn’t it be a great space expander to have this option in our 225 square foot units????

2.       Forget the USB chargers – how about installing wifi charging stations on tabletops like bedside tables or coffee tables?

3.       How about stand-up desks instead of regular student desks in bedrooms? Or, even better, build a workstation in treadmills in first floor units (and charge a premium for being on the first floor? Everyone worries about being on the first floor here because of a possible break-in, so maybe this would be an incentive!)

4.       Online leasing kiosks in the Clubhouse? I would love that. I honestly think in student housing there is no reason to have a boatload of community assistants and part time leasing consultants.

5.       Install Bike Lockers!!!! Need them so much at the property that is only minutes away from the other community and campus but the students could ride bikes instead of always driving to campus.

6.       As always – parcel lockers! Now that we have worked out a more acceptable arrangement with the local post office, we do not really need the Package Room if we could get those lockers.

7.       Definitely install the plank flooring we started installing when I arrived. The kids like it; the parents like it and they are way more durable. 

8.       Install a real community kitchen in the Clubhouse where the kids can cook together if they want.

9.       Choose furnishings that offers flexibility: comfy chairs instead of couches in the common areas. I never understood how you can roommate match people and only have a couch in the living area. What if you need personal space?

That’s my two cents worth ….

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