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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Learn Some Life Skills, Why Don'tcha?

When I was teaching kindergarten, there was a small portion of the curriculum devoted to teaching our youngest students emotional intelligence. It was based on Christian concepts and centered on introducing actual skills children will need as they grow up in this big, complicated world. Later, when I “graduated” to grades K-6, the overall concept in the public schools labeled these skills Life Skills. There were several of these, including Responsibility, Integrity, Honesty, Trust, Flexibility, Cooperation, Perseverance, Sense of Humor, Empathy, and about five others. I always thought trying to instill these values in children was a worthwhile cause as, sadly, many do not learn these values in their homes. 

It is safe to say these Life Skills are also very important in property management. Clearly, I was thinking as I headed off to Court the other day, it would have been nice had a couple of my new Residents learned them before they came to my property. This couple rented an apartment and moved in as recent as May 19, 2012. And here I was heading to Court to testify at their REQUESTED Eviction Trial. Apparently during the initial Hearing they objected to the charges of non-payment of rent and sought a trial.

As the trial progressed and the Resident was called to testify, it became very apparent to me that he was just plain old lying. I mean, he was telling bald, right to your face, lies, even though he had been sworn to tell the truth. I sat there incredulous, although a bit fascinated, at his boldness and stupidity. For me, when a Resident comes to me with a problem, I try to resolve it any way possible. However, right then and there I began thinking, I don’t want anything more to do with you and I can’t wait to get you off the property. Apparently, I have to wait to officially do this, as here in Ohio, the Judge does not make an immediate ruling. In the meantime, I will discreetly place some moving boxes at their door. Hint, hint!

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